Director N. Shankar who is known for films like 'Bhadrachalam' and 'Jai Bolo Telangana' has got into a new tussle now. The High Court demanded an explanation from the government on how they issued 5 acres of land worth 5 crores for just 5 lakhs. They asked them to file a counter about them issuing a residential land near the outer ring road.
J Shankar, a Karimnagar citizen asked to stop the GO issued in giving the land to the film director. Chief Justice Nyayamurthy, Justice RS Chauhan, and Justice A. Abhishek Reddy did a court investigation on it. Satyamreddy, who argues on the side of petitioner said that the government issued lands worth crores of rupees for very low rates and a lot of such cases are still under consideration. The court extended the case for another 2 weeks. We need to wait and see what happens.
J Shankar, a Karimnagar citizen asked to stop the GO issued in giving the land to the film director. Chief Justice Nyayamurthy, Justice RS Chauhan, and Justice A. Abhishek Reddy did a court investigation on it. Satyamreddy, who argues on the side of petitioner said that the government issued lands worth crores of rupees for very low rates and a lot of such cases are still under consideration. The court extended the case for another 2 weeks. We need to wait and see what happens.