Actress Offers Any Time Help For Elderly Couple

Update: 2020-04-27 06:24 GMT
The Corona lockdown has left people in splits and especially the senior citizens who could be prone to medical emergencies any time. Actress Kajal Aggarwal made sure she is available for their neighbours who are an elderly couple.

Kajal and her sister insisted the senior citizen couple to call upon them when needed. This is indeed an inspiring gesture from a beautiful mind. There isn't much happening for actors on professional front and thus they have ample time to rethink, plan and lead a quality life rediscovering a better self!

Kajal Aggarwal shared her routine by reaching out to her fans on social media. It's really inspiring to know that the actress has a very disciplined routine beginning with exercise, meditation, food and then moving on to chess classes and a little entertainment with Netflix.

The actress is reliving the good olden days by watching 'Ramayan' with family on television. Sheis said to be taking online classes for learning the verses of Bhagavadgita and Bhagavatam.  Kajal n this way seems to be catering the spiritual longing of discovering the god in her. The fans are happy at the actress's good use of the quarantine time and that she is prepared both mentally and physically for her upcoming project that would resume as soon as the current pandemic crisis gets eased.

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