After delivering a hit like 'Arjun Reddy' in Tollywood, director Sandeep Reddy Vanga went to Mumbai for filming 'Kabir Singh' which is the remake of his own film. Overjoyed with the massive response in Hindi, he decided to make his second project in Bollywood too and selected a dark thriller.
But the film is not going on floors due to various reasons. Talk in the tinsel town is that Sandeep is trying to convince Prabhas for this film. Prabhas got nation-wide craze because of 'Baahubali' but his choice of directors for his next is not helping his pan-Indian appeal. So, fans are hoping that Sandeep Reddy Vanga can give Prabhas a strong film that can increase his market.
Currently, Prabhas is busy with Radakrishna's film and will decide his next move only after he wraps up this film. Let us wait and see if Sandeep's film with Prabhas becomes a reality or not.
But the film is not going on floors due to various reasons. Talk in the tinsel town is that Sandeep is trying to convince Prabhas for this film. Prabhas got nation-wide craze because of 'Baahubali' but his choice of directors for his next is not helping his pan-Indian appeal. So, fans are hoping that Sandeep Reddy Vanga can give Prabhas a strong film that can increase his market.
Currently, Prabhas is busy with Radakrishna's film and will decide his next move only after he wraps up this film. Let us wait and see if Sandeep's film with Prabhas becomes a reality or not.