Chirutha' Girl Neha Sharma's younger sister Aisha Sharma is very popular among the youth. She was not seen as a heroine in a single Hindi film till date but claimed that she only acts in Bollywood movies but not the South. She is raising the mercury levels with her hot and revealing photoshoots on social media. The vivacious beauty often pleases her fans with luscious clicks that quench the thirst of their fans.
She is often papped while stepping out of the gym too and her stunning body give fitness goals to many. Her gym looks are quite astonishing and here is a perfect example of that. Dressed in sky blue top and shorts, Aisha flaunted her well-toned midriff in the rain. Her alluring skin show and splendid display of curves have surely raised the mercury levels. With sunglasses on, she looks absolutely beautiful and her titillating glamour display is going viral on social media.
As we know, Aisha Sharma is the younger sister of Neha Sharma who is well known to the Telugu audience as the heroine of Ram Charan's debut film 'Chirutha'. The beauty is yet to make her silver screen debut and people are waiting to see her exquisite beauty on the big screen soon. Aisha is 34 years old and she has around 3 million followers on Instagram. Her followers are loving this extremely glamourous click and they are flooding the comments section with their love. Both the Sharma sisters are constantly showing off their jaw-dropping glamour in heavy doses in order to attract filmmakers these days.
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She is often papped while stepping out of the gym too and her stunning body give fitness goals to many. Her gym looks are quite astonishing and here is a perfect example of that. Dressed in sky blue top and shorts, Aisha flaunted her well-toned midriff in the rain. Her alluring skin show and splendid display of curves have surely raised the mercury levels. With sunglasses on, she looks absolutely beautiful and her titillating glamour display is going viral on social media.
As we know, Aisha Sharma is the younger sister of Neha Sharma who is well known to the Telugu audience as the heroine of Ram Charan's debut film 'Chirutha'. The beauty is yet to make her silver screen debut and people are waiting to see her exquisite beauty on the big screen soon. Aisha is 34 years old and she has around 3 million followers on Instagram. Her followers are loving this extremely glamourous click and they are flooding the comments section with their love. Both the Sharma sisters are constantly showing off their jaw-dropping glamour in heavy doses in order to attract filmmakers these days.