'Chiruta' girl Neha Sharma's younger sister Aisha Sharma is quite active on social media. The Sharma sisters often scorch up the heat on social media with their ultra-glamorous uploads. Aisha is already famous in the digital world and is expected to make her Bollywood debut soon.
The foxy beauty states that this is her favorite photo and wrote, "She has a delightfully vague air about her . That's only natural . It's hard to define , like when she begins a sentence , and leaves it hanging there ... in mid air . Everything about me is just that . As for the photo , there's nothing vague about it . It's very much in your face delightfully kinda sexy . Sometimes I do vague , sometimes I do sexy . And sometimes I do throwbacks even when it's not a throwback day . Who cares if it's a Monday . Still one of my most fav photos ."
Aisha never shies away from slipping into skimpy outfits and lure people with her tantalizing poses. Her latest post throwback post is currently going viral as Aisha is seen giving a sensuous pose in showcasing her voluptuous and curvy body. With those seductive expressions, Aisha is upping the mercury levels with this picture. Dressed in a black two-piece and black shirt on top, Aisha indulged in heavy skin show which is sure to give sleepless nights to many.