Writer Vinta Nanda accused Actor Alok Nath who is popularly known as 'Sanskari Bapuji' of raping her 19-Years-Ago.
Excerpts from Vinta Nanda's Facebook Post: 'I was invited to a party to this man's house, his wife, my best friend was out of town. It was usual for our group of friends from theatre to meet regularly so there was nothing unusual about my going to the party. As the evening flowed, my drinks were mixed and I began to feel strange. Then at around 2am I left his house. Nobody followed me or offered to drop me home, which was what was rather unusual. All I knew at the time was that I had to get home. I could sense it wouldnât be right for me to stay there any longer. I started to walk home on the empty streets although the distance to my own house was long. Midway I was accosted by this man who was driving his own car and he asked me to sit in it and said he would drop me home. I trusted him and sat in his car. I have faint memory after that. I can remember more liquor being poured into my mouth and I remember being violated endlessly. When I woke up the next afternoon, I was in pain. I hadn't just been raped, I was taken to my own house and had been brutalised. I couldn't get up for my bed. I told some of my friends but everybody advised me to forget about it and move on'.
On the sexual harassment allegations, Alok Nath told he would neither deny them nor agree with it. 'Rape might have happened but someone else would have done it. Anyhow What a woman says will alone be taken into consideration. Reacting to the allegations is like allowing the whole issue to get stretched,' he told.
In 1994, Vinta Nanda was the Writer-cum-Producer of No.1 TV Show 'Tara' starring Alok Nath and Navneet Nishan. Alok Nath was ousted from the show for allegedly misbehaving with Navneet. He had allegedly took revenge on Vinta Nanda by sexually exploiting and ruining her career.
Cine and TV Artistes Association (CINTAA) is going to serve a showcause notice to Alok Nath. The Association assured complete support to Vinta Nanda if she files police complaint.
Excerpts from Vinta Nanda's Facebook Post: 'I was invited to a party to this man's house, his wife, my best friend was out of town. It was usual for our group of friends from theatre to meet regularly so there was nothing unusual about my going to the party. As the evening flowed, my drinks were mixed and I began to feel strange. Then at around 2am I left his house. Nobody followed me or offered to drop me home, which was what was rather unusual. All I knew at the time was that I had to get home. I could sense it wouldnât be right for me to stay there any longer. I started to walk home on the empty streets although the distance to my own house was long. Midway I was accosted by this man who was driving his own car and he asked me to sit in it and said he would drop me home. I trusted him and sat in his car. I have faint memory after that. I can remember more liquor being poured into my mouth and I remember being violated endlessly. When I woke up the next afternoon, I was in pain. I hadn't just been raped, I was taken to my own house and had been brutalised. I couldn't get up for my bed. I told some of my friends but everybody advised me to forget about it and move on'.
On the sexual harassment allegations, Alok Nath told he would neither deny them nor agree with it. 'Rape might have happened but someone else would have done it. Anyhow What a woman says will alone be taken into consideration. Reacting to the allegations is like allowing the whole issue to get stretched,' he told.
In 1994, Vinta Nanda was the Writer-cum-Producer of No.1 TV Show 'Tara' starring Alok Nath and Navneet Nishan. Alok Nath was ousted from the show for allegedly misbehaving with Navneet. He had allegedly took revenge on Vinta Nanda by sexually exploiting and ruining her career.
Cine and TV Artistes Association (CINTAA) is going to serve a showcause notice to Alok Nath. The Association assured complete support to Vinta Nanda if she files police complaint.