Trailer of 'Baby', the directorial venture of Neeraj Pandey who made clap-worthy films like 'A Wednesday' and 'Special 26', starring Akshay Kumar, Rana Daggubati and Tapsee in lead roles has been unveiled.
The first impression one gets upon watching the fast-paced trailer is that its an action-thriller with Terror plot. Akshay Kumar is on a mission and he wishes to prevent a massive destruction planned by the Terror outfit. Rana Daggubati appears as one of the commandos who takes on the Terrorists. Tapsee, on the other hand, does a pivotal role. Anupam Kher appears as Tech-Support expert of the undercover unit.
Dialogues have been hard-hitting. Action sequences were stylish and realistic.
Why the film was named after 'Baby' hasn't been revealed! It might be because the undercover operation itself has a name 'Baby'.
'Baby' releases on January 15th, 2015. Post this flick, Popularity of Rana and Tapsee only multiplies. They have now every reason to get excited!