Nara Rohit's upcoming movie Balakrishnudu is all set for getting released. Regina Cassandra is romancing Nara Rohit in the movie. The pre-release function of the movie took place recently and a few Tollywood young heroes graced the event. Though the female lead Regina didn't attended the event few of Tollywood beauties appeared in the function.
Especially the Akkineni daughter-in-law Samantha became the special attraction inthe event. As the Movie Production Manager is Giridhar, Samantha stood as the highlight in the movie. On the other side, Mega hero Sai Dharam Tej also attended the event. Young hero Naga Shourya also graced the event. Supreme beauty Rashi Khanna looked stunning in the function.
Not one or two artists, but so many celebrities has graced the pre-release event of Balakrishnudu movie. When it comes to the Tollywood the unity is somewhat less. But these young heroes are proving the statement wrong and impressing the movie lovers with their unity and support for each other.
Especially the Akkineni daughter-in-law Samantha became the special attraction inthe event. As the Movie Production Manager is Giridhar, Samantha stood as the highlight in the movie. On the other side, Mega hero Sai Dharam Tej also attended the event. Young hero Naga Shourya also graced the event. Supreme beauty Rashi Khanna looked stunning in the function.
Not one or two artists, but so many celebrities has graced the pre-release event of Balakrishnudu movie. When it comes to the Tollywood the unity is somewhat less. But these young heroes are proving the statement wrong and impressing the movie lovers with their unity and support for each other.