Chalapathi Rao hit the media headlines for his controversial remarks few of days back with the comments in the 'Rarandoy Veduka Chuddam' audio function. Keep aside the controversial episode for a while, he has recently given an interview to a YouTube channel and shared several interesting things.
He said that "Before entering into films I got married.. it was a love marriage. But my wife died when I was 27. I was financially very weak.. and I had three kids by then. I couldn't understand what's going on.. and thought of committing suicide. If I do that.. who will look after my children ? So, I moved on".
"Senior NTR and his wife Tarakamma garu pressurized me to get married once again. But I didn't follow their advice becuase my inner voice was against marriage. My only goal was to bring up my children. I worked hard in films. My children got settled down in life after completing post-graduation in USA. I'm very happy now."
Chalapathi Rao also also revealed that he has completed 50 years career in films being a drama artiste. He remembered Sr NTR for his encouragement.
He said that "Before entering into films I got married.. it was a love marriage. But my wife died when I was 27. I was financially very weak.. and I had three kids by then. I couldn't understand what's going on.. and thought of committing suicide. If I do that.. who will look after my children ? So, I moved on".
"Senior NTR and his wife Tarakamma garu pressurized me to get married once again. But I didn't follow their advice becuase my inner voice was against marriage. My only goal was to bring up my children. I worked hard in films. My children got settled down in life after completing post-graduation in USA. I'm very happy now."
Chalapathi Rao also also revealed that he has completed 50 years career in films being a drama artiste. He remembered Sr NTR for his encouragement.