It is very unusual to see a Ravi Teja's film with new heroines in it. But his upcoming film 'Khiladi' directed by Ramesh Varma is having two new faces as its heroines. While one is Dimple Hayathi, the other actress is Dimple Hayathi. Among them, dusky beauty Dimple Hayathi has reportedly pinned huge hopes on this movie.
The glamorous actress sizzled in super hit 'Zarra Zarra' song from 'Gaddalakonda Ganesh'. Her stunning and suave dance moves in that song caught the attention of the audience. She is now coming as the heroine in a Ravi Teja film which is a big thing for her. If this film becomes successful, she can become busy with good films alongside crazy star heroes. Experts are saying that 'Khiladi' will determine the future of this Telugu girl.
Prior to this Dimple Hayathi was seen in films like 'Devi 2', 'Eureka' and 'Gulf'. Coming to 'Khiladi', it is an action thriller where Ravi Teja will be seen playing a dual role. Devi Sri Prasad is composing music for this film which was supposed to release on May 28th but it may get postponed.
The glamorous actress sizzled in super hit 'Zarra Zarra' song from 'Gaddalakonda Ganesh'. Her stunning and suave dance moves in that song caught the attention of the audience. She is now coming as the heroine in a Ravi Teja film which is a big thing for her. If this film becomes successful, she can become busy with good films alongside crazy star heroes. Experts are saying that 'Khiladi' will determine the future of this Telugu girl.
Prior to this Dimple Hayathi was seen in films like 'Devi 2', 'Eureka' and 'Gulf'. Coming to 'Khiladi', it is an action thriller where Ravi Teja will be seen playing a dual role. Devi Sri Prasad is composing music for this film which was supposed to release on May 28th but it may get postponed.