'Tanhaji' director Om Raut generated a lot of buzz when he announced that he will be making Ramayan with Prabhas as the lead. There were a lot of positive vibes on the movie ahead of the teaser release. But the teaser of 'Adipurush' turned out to be a huge disaster. The poor quality of the visuals baffled everyone and Om Raut was subjected to a lot of criticism.
The director took a few months time and surprised everyone with the trailer. The public witnessed a lot of improvement and Om Raut's confidence made people believe in the movie. The expectations increased massively on the movie and people flocked into the theatres on the first day. But they are stunned by seeing the film's output. It was a huge disappointment and Om Raut is being targeted by everyone once again.
The netizens are venting out their anger on the director by using #OmRaut and accusing him of changing the Ramayana and taking too many cinematic liberties. They are even complaining about the looks of the actors especially Saif Ali Khan. They are also calling him out for spending over 500 crores and making a cartoon film. His creation of Lanka and the entire war scenes were highly artificial which led to the unhappiness of many. The Bollywood director is being trolled a lot and some are even saying that he gave a third degree torture to the viewers.
With On Raut getting a lot of hate from all over the country, we need to wait and see how he responds.
The director took a few months time and surprised everyone with the trailer. The public witnessed a lot of improvement and Om Raut's confidence made people believe in the movie. The expectations increased massively on the movie and people flocked into the theatres on the first day. But they are stunned by seeing the film's output. It was a huge disappointment and Om Raut is being targeted by everyone once again.
The netizens are venting out their anger on the director by using #OmRaut and accusing him of changing the Ramayana and taking too many cinematic liberties. They are even complaining about the looks of the actors especially Saif Ali Khan. They are also calling him out for spending over 500 crores and making a cartoon film. His creation of Lanka and the entire war scenes were highly artificial which led to the unhappiness of many. The Bollywood director is being trolled a lot and some are even saying that he gave a third degree torture to the viewers.
With On Raut getting a lot of hate from all over the country, we need to wait and see how he responds.