I closing Business details in AP & TS

Update: 2015-02-05 08:14 GMT
Vikram I movie business has been closed in AP and Telangana. The Shankar directorial minted a share of Rs 28.89 Crores for full run.Expectations were quite high on the film before relase.

 Unfortunately, due to various reasons, the film is turning out as an average grosser in few areas and flop maker in some other areas. In fact, producers have sold the movie for high rates owing to Vikram and Shankar market.Thus, distributors couldn’t recover budget since they spent heavy amounts.

Though one section of audience liked the film , most have loathed the film. The movie is providing huge losses to distributors. Super good films acquired rights of the film for 33 crores.

Here is Vikram I Movie Area Wise Break Up List:

 Area                          Collections (Shares)

Nizam                         Rs 9.30 Crores

Ceded                        Rs 5.42 Crores

Vizag                          Rs 3.37 Crores

Guntur                        Rs 3.46 Crores

Krishna                        Rs 1.78 Crores

East                           Rs 2.21 Crores

West                         Rs 1.94 Crores

Nellore                       Rs 1.41 Crores


Total (AP)                   Rs 28.89 Crores

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