Sri Reddy episode has already grabbed nation-wide attention with her semi-naked protest at the Film Chamber and she continues to draw attention of the media with #SriLeaks. Though she has revealed WhatsApp chat screenshots with several celebrities, none of them responded to the allegations except Sekhar Kammula and Kona Venkat.
Sekhar Kammula has also gone silent after his indirect warning to Sri Reddy that he will take up the legal route. On the other hand, Kona Venkat already tweeted that film celebrities have become soft targets and demanded the government to conduct a thorough investigation on the issue to book the culprits. As Sri Reddy made serious allegations again on Kona Venkat that he has forced her for sex in his guest house behind the graveyard in Banjara Hills.
Kona Venkat has responded to her allegations that with a challenge that "I'm ready to face any consequences if it gets proved that I had spoken to Sri Reddy for even five minutes." Kona added that many people pose with him for photographs when he goes outside. Some of them post the pics on the social media as well. He wondered why Sri Reddy didn't even have a single photo with him if she really met him earlier.
Sekhar Kammula has also gone silent after his indirect warning to Sri Reddy that he will take up the legal route. On the other hand, Kona Venkat already tweeted that film celebrities have become soft targets and demanded the government to conduct a thorough investigation on the issue to book the culprits. As Sri Reddy made serious allegations again on Kona Venkat that he has forced her for sex in his guest house behind the graveyard in Banjara Hills.
Kona Venkat has responded to her allegations that with a challenge that "I'm ready to face any consequences if it gets proved that I had spoken to Sri Reddy for even five minutes." Kona added that many people pose with him for photographs when he goes outside. Some of them post the pics on the social media as well. He wondered why Sri Reddy didn't even have a single photo with him if she really met him earlier.