Sharwanand is getting ready with his latest film 'Radha'. He is fresh from the success of 'Shatamanam Bhavati' and confident about his latest film. The teaser of the film gave indication that the movie has all the commercial ingredients to make it a success. Meanwhile the new director Chandra Mohan said to have shown the pholosophy of Lord Krishna in the film as an under current.
Lord Krishna never suggested Pandavas to stop gambling. When Krisna was asked why didn't he warn Pandavas that they will lose everything and they will hit the roads as beggers if they gamble... then Krishna answered "They didn't come to me for advice before they started gambling. If they could have asked me for guidance I should have told them what is in store for them". The makers of Radha said to have taken this point and gave it a contemporary touch.
Going by this, one can surely wonder whether Krishna philosophy can be told this way also ? As the movie is hitting the screens of this Friday, we have to watch Lord Krisna philosophy in a contemporary way. Apart from Krishna philosophy audience will have Lavanya Tripathi glamorous philosophy also. Get ready guys !
Lord Krishna never suggested Pandavas to stop gambling. When Krisna was asked why didn't he warn Pandavas that they will lose everything and they will hit the roads as beggers if they gamble... then Krishna answered "They didn't come to me for advice before they started gambling. If they could have asked me for guidance I should have told them what is in store for them". The makers of Radha said to have taken this point and gave it a contemporary touch.
Going by this, one can surely wonder whether Krishna philosophy can be told this way also ? As the movie is hitting the screens of this Friday, we have to watch Lord Krisna philosophy in a contemporary way. Apart from Krishna philosophy audience will have Lavanya Tripathi glamorous philosophy also. Get ready guys !