Varun tej starrer "Loafer" has received mixed response at the Andhra Pradesh and Telangana (AP/T) box office on the first day. The movie has fetched a share of around Rs 3.75 crore on the day 1 and it was highest in Varun's career.
Loafer has managed to beat the record of "Kanche" on day 1. Kanche has collected share of 2.01 crores on day at AP/Nizam Box office. Loafer business improved considerably in the evening shows it has registered an average of 65% occupancy everywhere
The film is going to enjoy good run for next two days in B and C centres as there was no competition. But in multiplexes the film is going to face competition from Bollywood film Bajirao Mastani.
Loafer has managed to beat the record of "Kanche" on day 1. Kanche has collected share of 2.01 crores on day at AP/Nizam Box office. Loafer business improved considerably in the evening shows it has registered an average of 65% occupancy everywhere
The film is going to enjoy good run for next two days in B and C centres as there was no competition. But in multiplexes the film is going to face competition from Bollywood film Bajirao Mastani.