Manjima gets free "Virginity" advice!

Update: 2018-02-06 09:37 GMT

Manjima Mohan debuted in Telugu Cinema as the girl for whom Naga Chaitanya will take any risk on screen in Sahasam Swasaga Saagipo.

The movie did not become a hit but the Malayali actress got immense popularity on social media. She is doing films in Tamil and Malayalam right now.

When a news broke that the old woman and kids are raped in capital city, Delhi, the actress reacted that she feels even carrying a pepper spray isn't enough these days for women to feel secure.

For that a person on Twitter reacted like this,

"My little advice, please get married quickly. Protecting virginity is tougher than planning an anti missile defense these days.  Take care."

This free advice, got the actress annoyed and she reacted to it, saying,

"Oh marriage is the solution! Wow!!and it's not always about virginity sir ! There is something called self respect too."

Well, many supported the actress by defending her stance on such a primitive and regressive advice asking what if a married woman is also raped? Rather than feeling compassionate towards women and giving them such 'free advice' is seen as major problem by many!

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