"The film is in the Telugu language and is a part of Indian cinema based in Hyderabad also known as Tollywood, which is the second biggest film industry after Bollywood in India". England news paper Hemel Hempstead Gazette had written a news about Ramcharan GAV shared happiness to many Tollywood fans.
Recently GAV movie shooting took place in Engaland. Kajal and Ramcharan introduction shots captured as part of this. The daily had written as "The Rugby League club is to make its film debut in Indian cinema as it appears in Govindudu Andarivadele a movie about a boy of Indian heritage who is brought up in England." The daily also written that Director Krishna Vamsi has no idea about Rugby and quoted his words as "Its the first time Ive shot rugby.I dont know much about it but have gathered some information for the film.I have done other sports I dont think its a challenge but its kind of fun.
GAV actors took to the field at the Pennine Way Stadium to go through some scenes featuring Ram Charan . In addition to Ramcharan Hemel team skipper BJ Swindells was on hand to add some authenticity to the action. THe daily expressed happiness over GAV shoot in this stadium and felt it will give good feedback to Indians on Engalnd tourism.