Mega Heroine Niharika entered Tollywood with 'Oka Manasu' directed by Ramaraju. As the film turned out to be a huge disappointment, Niharika took long time to finalize her second Telugu film. She has recently given nod to new director Ravi Durga Prasad.. he is said to be a distant relative of Mega family through Meher Ramesh.
There is a talk that the director has got the chance to direct Niharika because he is a relative to mega family. When Niharika came to know about these reports, she told that Durga Prasad is their relative and she has agreed to do the film not because of the relation.. but a strong script. She said that she really liked the script.. and he has already worked on several films with Meher Ramesh.
This film is said to be a romantic comedy and the story revolves around four characters and Niharika is playing the lead role. On the other hand, Niharika is presently working on a Tamil film 'Oru Nalla Naal Paathu Solren' starring Vijay Sethupathi.
There is a talk that the director has got the chance to direct Niharika because he is a relative to mega family. When Niharika came to know about these reports, she told that Durga Prasad is their relative and she has agreed to do the film not because of the relation.. but a strong script. She said that she really liked the script.. and he has already worked on several films with Meher Ramesh.
This film is said to be a romantic comedy and the story revolves around four characters and Niharika is playing the lead role. On the other hand, Niharika is presently working on a Tamil film 'Oru Nalla Naal Paathu Solren' starring Vijay Sethupathi.