Bujjigadu hottie's sister for Allu hero

Update: 2016-12-13 06:55 GMT
Bujjigadu hotties sister for Allu hero
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Heroine Sanjana Galrani (Archana) has become a sex bomb in Tollywood with her bikini acts post debut with Bujjigadu movie as second heroine.

Her sister Nikki Galrani has come to Tollywood with Sunil's Krishnashtami and got attention with dubbed movie Malupu. She is now romancing Allu Sirish in his upcoming Malayalam film "1971: Beyond Borders" where Mohan Lal is playing crucial role. Presence of Mohanlal and debut of Sirish in Malayalam has excited Nikki to sign the dotted line, she says.

Meanwhile, Allu Sirish didn't signed his next film in Telugu!!

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