Rani Mukherjee was seen attending Diwali bashes hosted by Amitabh Bachchan and other Celebrities last week. The celebrations during the pregnancy phase seems to have taken a toll on her health.
Sources say, Rani Mukherjee was hospitalised during last weekend and doctors have advised her complete bed rest. She will remain under medical supervision for few days.
Rani's Spokesperson confirms the reports and at the same time assures there is nothing serious.
Meanwhile, Aditya Chopra is making sure that the baby's room in his house was ready by the time his wife gets discharged from the Hospital. Delivery could happen early next year and the Chopra Khandan is excited about the new arrival. Hopefully, The rebirth of the great Yash Chopra isn't far away!
Sources say, Rani Mukherjee was hospitalised during last weekend and doctors have advised her complete bed rest. She will remain under medical supervision for few days.
Rani's Spokesperson confirms the reports and at the same time assures there is nothing serious.
Meanwhile, Aditya Chopra is making sure that the baby's room in his house was ready by the time his wife gets discharged from the Hospital. Delivery could happen early next year and the Chopra Khandan is excited about the new arrival. Hopefully, The rebirth of the great Yash Chopra isn't far away!