Dashing director Puri Jagan has this habit of stunning Telugu heroes if they don't accept his scripts. When Pawan rejected Idiot story, he made it with Raviteja. When Raviteja denied Pokiri story, he picked up Mahesh Babu. Varun Tej's Heart Attack is made with Nitin and Nitin's Loafer is pushed to Varun.
Latest update is that he is now trying to make "Auto Jaani" script into a film after Megastar Chiranjeevi rejected it. While the Megastar stated that he didn't felt second half convincing, Puri Jagan is now gearing up to make it into a movie with his longtime friend Raviteja as a hero. Both Jagan and Ravi delivered movies like Idiot, Amma Nanna O Tamilammayi, Neninthe and Devudu Chesina Manushulu in the past. We have to see if their combination delivers another hit.
But if the film scores hit, surely Chiru will be shocked.
Latest update is that he is now trying to make "Auto Jaani" script into a film after Megastar Chiranjeevi rejected it. While the Megastar stated that he didn't felt second half convincing, Puri Jagan is now gearing up to make it into a movie with his longtime friend Raviteja as a hero. Both Jagan and Ravi delivered movies like Idiot, Amma Nanna O Tamilammayi, Neninthe and Devudu Chesina Manushulu in the past. We have to see if their combination delivers another hit.
But if the film scores hit, surely Chiru will be shocked.