Despite successive flops, Puri Jagannath maintained his pace. While 'Rogue' is releasing on March 31st, He already wrapped up the first schedule of Balayya's next which will release for Dussehra. The Filmmaker already made up his mind on what he should be doing thereafter.
After Balayya101, Puri Jagannath will be filming 'Hey Bhagwan'. He wants to show how the World has been suffering because of Gods in this movie.
Films made on such controversial concepts has irked several Directors in the past. However, Puri is determined to convey his message to the people through 'Hey Bhagwan'.
Will Ishaan play the lead role 'Hey Bhagwan'? May be, That's the plan as Puri has signed a 3-film deal with Ishaan's Brother CR Manohar.
After Balayya101, Puri Jagannath will be filming 'Hey Bhagwan'. He wants to show how the World has been suffering because of Gods in this movie.
Films made on such controversial concepts has irked several Directors in the past. However, Puri is determined to convey his message to the people through 'Hey Bhagwan'.
Will Ishaan play the lead role 'Hey Bhagwan'? May be, That's the plan as Puri has signed a 3-film deal with Ishaan's Brother CR Manohar.