Mega Power Star Ram Charan Completed ten years in the film industry. His debut film 'Chirutha' released on September 28, 2007. Puri Jagannadh directed the film and senior producer Ashwini Dutt produced the movie. The movie achieved moderate success at the box office but Ram Charan went on to become one of the top league stars in Tollywood later.
Among all the Ram Charan films, 'Magadheera' is the biggest hit till date. Directed by SS Rajamouli, the movie went on to create industry record which was untouched by any other film for a long time. 'Nayak', 'Yevadu', 'Dhruva' are the other hits in Ram Charan career. Charan acted in ten films till now in his career if we exclude the cameo appearance in 'Khaidi No. 150'. Charan went on to prove himself as a successful producer also with 'Khaidi No. 150'.
Charan is presently working on 'Rangasthalam 1985' in the direction of Sukumar. He is bankrolling prestigious 'Sye Raa' as a producer. As Charan completed ten years in the industry, mega fans are celebrating the occasion in the social media.
Among all the Ram Charan films, 'Magadheera' is the biggest hit till date. Directed by SS Rajamouli, the movie went on to create industry record which was untouched by any other film for a long time. 'Nayak', 'Yevadu', 'Dhruva' are the other hits in Ram Charan career. Charan acted in ten films till now in his career if we exclude the cameo appearance in 'Khaidi No. 150'. Charan went on to prove himself as a successful producer also with 'Khaidi No. 150'.
Charan is presently working on 'Rangasthalam 1985' in the direction of Sukumar. He is bankrolling prestigious 'Sye Raa' as a producer. As Charan completed ten years in the industry, mega fans are celebrating the occasion in the social media.