Ravi Teja, the popular actor known for his energetic performances, recently faced disappointment with his latest release, Ravanasura. Despite being made with a huge budget and releasing amidst high expectations, the movie failed to live up to its hype and received mixed reviews from the audience on its first day of release. As a result, the movie's collections suffered, and it became difficult for the film to break even.
This isn't the first time Ravi Teja has faced such a setback in his career. Throughout his career, he has experienced a pattern of hits and flops, with two hits often followed by two disasters. Even movies that are highly anticipated fail to impress the audience at times.
For instance, after delivering a super hit with the movie Power in 2014, Ravi Teja faced disasters with Kick 2 and Bengal Tiger. Similarly, after the success of Raja the Great in 2017, he suffered four consecutive disasters with Touch Chesi Chudu, Nela Ticket, Amar Akbar Antony, and Disco Raja.
While Ravi Teja managed to bounce back with the super hit krack in early 2021, he faced two consecutive flops with Khiladi and Rama Rao on Duty before delivering a blockbuster hit with Dhamaka. He followed it up with another super hit, Waltair Veeraya, but Ravanasura has once again put a damper on his streak.
Despite this setback, Ravi Teja is all set to test his luck in the pan-India market with his upcoming project, the Tiger Nageswara Rao biopic. Whether he will be able to break the pattern of hits and flops remains to be seen, and it all depends on the content and promotion of the movie.
This isn't the first time Ravi Teja has faced such a setback in his career. Throughout his career, he has experienced a pattern of hits and flops, with two hits often followed by two disasters. Even movies that are highly anticipated fail to impress the audience at times.
For instance, after delivering a super hit with the movie Power in 2014, Ravi Teja faced disasters with Kick 2 and Bengal Tiger. Similarly, after the success of Raja the Great in 2017, he suffered four consecutive disasters with Touch Chesi Chudu, Nela Ticket, Amar Akbar Antony, and Disco Raja.
While Ravi Teja managed to bounce back with the super hit krack in early 2021, he faced two consecutive flops with Khiladi and Rama Rao on Duty before delivering a blockbuster hit with Dhamaka. He followed it up with another super hit, Waltair Veeraya, but Ravanasura has once again put a damper on his streak.
Despite this setback, Ravi Teja is all set to test his luck in the pan-India market with his upcoming project, the Tiger Nageswara Rao biopic. Whether he will be able to break the pattern of hits and flops remains to be seen, and it all depends on the content and promotion of the movie.