Nandamuri Balakrishna's upcoming film, 'Ruler' is gearing up to hit the screens on 20th December. The senior hero pinned a lot of hopes on this film as he faced two debacles this year already. Also, it is competing with Sai Tej's 'Prathi Roju Pandage' which is releasing on the same day.
The makers announced officially that they would release the theatrical trailer of this action entertainer on 8th December at 8:19 AM. The teaser which was released a few weeks ago got a decent response and the trailer will be filled with a lot more stunts and powerful dialogues.
Directed by KS Ravi Kumar, 'Ruler' is produced by C. Kalyan. Young beauties Sonal Chauhan and Vedhika are the heroines in this film which has Prakash Raj, Jayasudha, Bhumika Chawla playing key roles.
The makers announced officially that they would release the theatrical trailer of this action entertainer on 8th December at 8:19 AM. The teaser which was released a few weeks ago got a decent response and the trailer will be filled with a lot more stunts and powerful dialogues.
Directed by KS Ravi Kumar, 'Ruler' is produced by C. Kalyan. Young beauties Sonal Chauhan and Vedhika are the heroines in this film which has Prakash Raj, Jayasudha, Bhumika Chawla playing key roles.