Prabhas and his Bahubali cast members are busy promoting the film round the clock. While his fans are happy and excited to see him on screen again as Bahubali after two years and speculating answers for the important questions that the first part threw at us, the fans are also waiting for the confirmation of his next movie title.
Prabhas is gearing up to start his next movie in the direction of Sujeeth Sign, Run Raja Run fame. Fans of the actor are waiting for the confirmation of the title, even though the rumours are abuzz about it being a multi-lingual releasing in four languages like Bahubali. The movie story is said to be a cop story and slated to be made on a budget of more than 100 crores.
Now, the producers have confirmed the title officially. 'Saaho' is the title of the movie and it appears to be utilising the craze of Bahubali very well. Producers confirmed that the movie will be shot in different countries with Hollywood technicians and Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy will compose music for the movie. Producers Vamsi-Pramod also confirmed that the teaser will be released on 28th April and play along with Bahubali2 everywhere. The teaser will be action packed going with the theme.
Prabhas is gearing up to start his next movie in the direction of Sujeeth Sign, Run Raja Run fame. Fans of the actor are waiting for the confirmation of the title, even though the rumours are abuzz about it being a multi-lingual releasing in four languages like Bahubali. The movie story is said to be a cop story and slated to be made on a budget of more than 100 crores.
Now, the producers have confirmed the title officially. 'Saaho' is the title of the movie and it appears to be utilising the craze of Bahubali very well. Producers confirmed that the movie will be shot in different countries with Hollywood technicians and Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy will compose music for the movie. Producers Vamsi-Pramod also confirmed that the teaser will be released on 28th April and play along with Bahubali2 everywhere. The teaser will be action packed going with the theme.