Are Sequels Not Good For Telugu Box Office?

Update: 2018-09-08 10:51 GMT
Are Sequels Not Good For Telugu Box Office?
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From a long time, Hollywood started looking at sequels as the best possible way to maximize returns at box office. They still have great franchises like Star Wars, James Bond films, Superhero films, Horror franchises like Insidious, Halloween, Goosebumps and many more, Back to future series, Jaws series, Alien series, Predator series, cross-overs, Mummy series and many many more in the pipeline.

In Indian Cinema except for Dhoom and Munna Bhai series, none worked at the box office.  When it comes to Telugu Box Office, we saw Satya 2, Gayam 2, ShankarDada Zindabad, Mantra 2, Sardaar Gabbar Singh, Village lo Vinayakudu, Kick 2, Avunu 2, Viswaroopam 2 and to an extent Raktha Charitha.

None of these films became hits at the box office, even though same actors and even same technicians were repeated. Baahubali-1 and 2 are one story split into films. But the kind of euphoria the movie built up, if the team plan a proper sequel, it could show what a established franchise film can collect.

Muni series is an exception for this as Raghava Lawrence cracked the horror comedy formula well. He delivered Muni, Muni 2: Kanchana and Kanchana 2: Ganga till now.

At this moment, sequels of big hits like Robo 2, Saamy2, PademKodi 2, Indian 2 are in various stages of production.

Along with these, ideas for films like Dhoni 2, Abhimanyudu 2, Maari 2, Karthikeya sequel, Aditya 999, Jagadekaveerudu Athiloka Sundari sequel, Muni 4: Ganga 2 are in development stage and announced too.

Well, for Telugu films the problem is that every other film uses up the unique elements in other hit film in the name of trend, which is common elsewhere too. But when the sequel comes around, we don't find it too unique as we have seen similar film earlier already.

Either like Baahubali, the settings need to big or some story needs to be held back. Otherwise, to just maximise returns if a filmmaker plans a sequel to his early film, it backfired.

Shankardada Zindabad and Sardar Gabbar Singh wasted good characters with bad execution and old storylines. All others tried to repeat the formula. Same Telugu audience did give big returns to English sequels.

So, when we analyse, the problem mostly lies in writers and directors, who are not able to come up with unique ideas to develop their characters that became successful once to repeat the magic again.

With the number of flops increasing every year, Indian cinema and Telugu Cinema, do need a franchise that can deliver regularly!

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