In a stunning move, Nandamuri Kalyan Ram's "Sher" is not releasing as expected on October 22nd, if a recent report is anything to go by.
Actually "Sher" is scheduled for October 30th releaes and Kalyan Ram wants to stick to that. The movie has completed Censor formalities and it obtained U/A certificate from the board. Though there is time to bring the flick on 22nd, Kalyan Ram felt that the promotion taken up isn't enough to get proper openings for the film.
Actually "Sher" is scheduled for October 30th releaes and Kalyan Ram wants to stick to that. The movie has completed Censor formalities and it obtained U/A certificate from the board. Though there is time to bring the flick on 22nd, Kalyan Ram felt that the promotion taken up isn't enough to get proper openings for the film.