TikTok Ratings Falls Dramatically

Update: 2020-05-19 11:50 GMT
In recent days, TikTok has been part of many people's lives as the short, video-making app been an amazing platform from gaining Millions of followers and being the talk of the town.  

However, now this most downloaded video making app is going through a hard phase after the Indians netizens have started a minor battle demanding to ban the fastest growing app in India.

It all started with Indian YouTuber CarryMinati's video where he created a video viral 'YouTube vs TikTok: The End.' This video went viral on the social media, and most of the Indian netizens backed the popular Youtuber. However, YouTube was eventually forced to take down the video as war erupted between TikTok fans and YouTubers on social media.

After Youtube removed the video, it erupted the rage of Indian netizens and they started to degrade the app by giving very fewer ratings.

In less than a week, TikTok has been downrated from 4.6 to 2, and TikTok Lite has been hit even more, with its ratings dropping to 1.1.

This issue is fueled with TikTok influencers who stretched their support and promoted acid attacks on women, rapes and other abusive content.

This has brought great wrath upon the app, and even the National Commission for Women (NCW) Chief Rekha Sharma wrote to the Central government to ban this app as it is leading youngsters towards unproductive life. Needless to say, the app belongs to China, which made the netizens not give up on this issue.

Now, several Indian users calling for a ban of the App and trending #TikTokBan and #TikTokExposed on social media in large number.

Even before there was a time where a large number of people opposed this app, and even the court's made their verdict on this. This time, almost all the nation has stood united calling a war on this video making app. So, we've to wait for the government response on how they react to most of the Indian's demand.

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