Varun Tej took a break from his busy schedule to go on a vacation along with his Sister Niharika. They enjoyed Sky Walk in Macao which is a region on the south coast of China. Participation of Niharika in such a scary feat came as a surprise. You could see how nervous she was before the thrilling activity.
Bonding between Varun Tej and Niharika is pleasing to watch. They are certainly setting new goals for all the brothers and sisters out there.
'Valmiki' is the next release for Varun Tej and it's arriving on September 13th. The transformation he underwent is going to be a treat for the Movie Buffs. Niharika is yet to sign any new project after 'Suryakantham'. She is more than happy to wait until the script which offers first success comes her way.
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Bonding between Varun Tej and Niharika is pleasing to watch. They are certainly setting new goals for all the brothers and sisters out there.
'Valmiki' is the next release for Varun Tej and it's arriving on September 13th. The transformation he underwent is going to be a treat for the Movie Buffs. Niharika is yet to sign any new project after 'Suryakantham'. She is more than happy to wait until the script which offers first success comes her way.