After walking the red carpet at the Indian Sports Honours along with his lady love Anushka Sharma, Indian skipper Virat Kohli changed his profile picture on the Instagram page. The Celebrity Couple were seen blushing in the photograph. They looked so stylish and absolutely adorable in the designer wear.
Recently, Its been revealed that Virat Kohli gets paid $500,000 (Rs 3.2 crore) for each promotional post on Instagram. His brand value is better than Soccer superstar Lionel Messi.
India-Sri Lanka Test Series will begin on November 16th. Men-in-Blue will go into this series as hot favorites. Kohli-led Team India won all the Test Series played since last year.
Recently, Its been revealed that Virat Kohli gets paid $500,000 (Rs 3.2 crore) for each promotional post on Instagram. His brand value is better than Soccer superstar Lionel Messi.
India-Sri Lanka Test Series will begin on November 16th. Men-in-Blue will go into this series as hot favorites. Kohli-led Team India won all the Test Series played since last year.