Popular Telugu OTT platform 'Aha' has been entertaining the audience with its original content over the last one and half year. Apart from buying new films from Telugu and other languages, they are coming up with their own content in order to satisfy the audience. The latest offering from them is a crime thriller named 'In The Name Of God'.
The first look poster came out and it absorbs you with its red tones and elements such as fire and smoke. Talented actor Priyadarshi plays the lead in this series which is coming soon. The release date hasn't been confirmed and this series also Nandini Rai playing a very crucial role.
Written and directed by Vidyasaagar Muthukumar, the show runner is Ranga. Varun DK is the cinematographer while Deepak Alexander is the music composer. Pradeep Aachariya penned the dialogues while Nikhil Sreekumar is the editor. We will get to know more about this crime thriller series once the teaser comes out.
The first look poster came out and it absorbs you with its red tones and elements such as fire and smoke. Talented actor Priyadarshi plays the lead in this series which is coming soon. The release date hasn't been confirmed and this series also Nandini Rai playing a very crucial role.
Written and directed by Vidyasaagar Muthukumar, the show runner is Ranga. Varun DK is the cinematographer while Deepak Alexander is the music composer. Pradeep Aachariya penned the dialogues while Nikhil Sreekumar is the editor. We will get to know more about this crime thriller series once the teaser comes out.