Will not tolerate corruption: Congress

Update: 2013-05-10 13:05 GMT
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Amid intense speculation over the fate of Railway Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal, the Congress Friday said it would not tolerate corruption.

"We will not tolerate corruption if anybody is found mired in it," newly-appointed Congress spokesperson Bhakta Charan Das told reporters when asked about Bansal's fate.

"Corruption is a serious issue for us," he said.

Till Thursday, the party had defended Bansal, whose nephew was caught accepting a bribe of Rs.90 lakh for the appointment of an official to a senior Railway Board post.

Congress sources hinted that the case of Law Minister Ashwani Kumar, who is also facing heat for tampering with a CBI report in the coal scam probe, was different from Bansal's.

"The issue in Ashwani Kumar's case involves whether or not he had the right to do what he did ... The issue in Bansal's case involves a corrupt practice," said a Congress leader.

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