A Sad Story Of A Doctor who Died Of COVID

Update: 2020-04-14 14:01 GMT
In what it could be a shocker, a doctor who has many lives in his service has breathed his last breath battling the fatal virus. His death news was left his family heartbroken.

Going into detail, an orthopedic doctor who runs an orthopedic hospital succumbed to the novel coronavirus in the Nellore district of Andhra Pradesh. He lost his life while undergoing treatment in the isolation center.

What's even more shocking is that his family was in a quarantine center as they have come in contact with the doctor. His family members can't even go to the last rites with the lockdown.

Cremating his body has turned out as a huge task for the cops as tense situation erupted as two graveyards did not agree to cremate the deceased doctor fearing that the virus might get spread.

At last, his body was cremated at a current electroplating graveyard with the permission of the doctor's relatives. Let's hope that at least with his death people might take the lockdown seriously and stop stepping out of their house.

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