After Vijaya Sai Reddy, Eenadu Tragets YCP MP!

Update: 2022-10-13 10:59 GMT
It is not a secret that the popular Telugu newspaper Eenadu is pro-Telugu Desam Party and supports the grand old party. Since the party was started the newspaper has been supporting the party. The same stand made Ramoji Rao lock horns with YSR who was with the Congress party and was the Chief Minister.

The association between Telugu Desam Party and Eenadu has been continuing to date. Compared to earlier, the fight between the pro-media and TDP opponents turned intense. The fight became direct. Recently, YSRCP Rajya Sabha member Vijaya Sai Reddy said he is waging a direct war with Ramoji Rao and he is starting a new channel.

The sensational news carried out by Eenadu on the Daspalla land scam alleging that there was insider trading sent shocking waves across the state and raised the political heat in the state. As the pro-YSRCP media could not counter the attack, Vijaya Sai Reddy decided to enter the media field directly.

Hinting that Eenadu is not going to leave the ruling YSRCP, the popular newspaper carried out another sensational news which says that a strange deal happened in the shore city Vizag where the housing limited belonging to YSRCP MP received a lion's share of the project while the original land owners were given a mere share.

The details given by Eenadu about the new land scam say that MVV and MK Housing Limited run by YSRCP Vizag MP MVV Satyanarayana took 10.57 acres of land on a lease for development. The agreement was made to construct multiple apartments. The land belongs to a family. Despite the land belonging to the family, only a mere share of 0.96 percent was given to the land owners while the company is taking the rest of the share.

After Rajya Sabha member, Eenadu directly targeted the MP by giving all the details about the alleged land scam. With the back-to-back direct attacks on the ruling party members, Eenadu also gave a strong message that it is not ready to take a back step.

It looks like Eenadu might be going after all the YSRCP members who are into such illegal scams and alleged insider trading. Maybe Ramoji Rao took the issue personally after Vijaya Sai Reddy addressed him as Ramu.

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