Allegations around Surekha Vani

Update: 2013-06-21 13:35 GMT
Allegations around Surekha Vani
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Surekha vani now a day’s getting offers as hot aunty in movies became care of address for disputes. Recently ‘Denikaina Ready’ movie there was a dispute.. The reason for that is Surekha vani role. Along with her other elements also involved but her body language, her role way.. Were looks a little bit annoyed. We can’t do anything if they say role behavior will be like that.

Keeping it like that, recently in ‘Balupu’ movie Surekha dialogue ‘if I go it by heart then sentiments will get spoiled’ now dispute is increasing around this dialogue. Already she involved in dispute one time so for next she should be careful but instead interfering like this is how much right!

One thing is truth.. Small incidents will become reason for disputes. There should be trails to stay away from the disputes but behaving in a provoked manner makes the situation out of hands. For the sake of publicity provoking things like this is not good.

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