Bharat Biotech Issues Covaxin Fact Sheet Over Vaccination

Update: 2021-01-19 10:43 GMT
Bharat Biotech Issues Covaxin Fact Sheet Over Vaccination
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After the deadly virus claimed more than 1.5 lakh lives in the country, India has launched a huge exercise to vaccinate its population against the Covid-19.

In the largest vaccination drive that began on January 16, the doctors are using two vaccines - Covishield made by Serum Institute of India (SII) and Covaxin manufactured by Bharat Biotech.

Three days after India kick-started mass inoculation, the Bharat Biotech has released a fact sheet about the method involved and who should avoid getting the vaccine.

According to the fact sheet in the company's website, the person having allergies, fever or bleeding disorder are not advised to take the vaccine.

It also stated that pregnant and breastfeeding women should also avoid taking the vaccine. As per the company, people who are immune-compromised or are on medication that affects the immune system, and received another Coronavirus vaccine should also not get the Covaxin.  

The factsheet posted by Bharat Biotech also lists side effects that include pain, fever, malaise,  swelling or itching, weakness, nausea, rashes, and vomiting. Recipients are also warned of difficulty in breathing, fast heartbeat,  swelling of the face and throat, redness on the body, weakness and dizziness.

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