Watching the US Presidential Election results, One can clearly say the ratio of Americans who voted for Donald Trump and who hated hated him is more or less similar. The margin of gap between vote share of winner Trump and loser Hillary is minimal though there is a big difference in electoral votes.
After Trump's win, People of California were demanding for exit of the state from United States. A Group named Yes California Independence Campaign planned an event on Wednesday to gain more support for the demand of Calexit, inspired from Brexit (Britain exit from European Union).
The Group claims California is 6th largest economy in the World and its population is more than countries like Poland. It adds, California competes with nations not just the 49 other States in US. USA represented many things which are against Californian values.
People in California took to social media to say they no longer wish to be known as an American but just as a Californian in support of #calexit.
After Trump's win, People of California were demanding for exit of the state from United States. A Group named Yes California Independence Campaign planned an event on Wednesday to gain more support for the demand of Calexit, inspired from Brexit (Britain exit from European Union).
The Group claims California is 6th largest economy in the World and its population is more than countries like Poland. It adds, California competes with nations not just the 49 other States in US. USA represented many things which are against Californian values.
People in California took to social media to say they no longer wish to be known as an American but just as a Californian in support of #calexit.