DGP Ravi announced on Tuesday that people will be arrested for viewing, downloading and storing videos from porn sites in mobile. The statement was criticized by netizens. About 50 percent of the state is expected to be arrested if this warning is strictly enforced, the concerned DGP issued several orders on Tuesday.
Tamil Nadu shares 2.41 percent in the country's total crime against women about girls of younger age being victims of sexual assault and abuse. As extensive viewing of pornography alters one's behaviour, habits, attitudes and aggression.
According to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), there are 391.50 million Internet subscribers in the country as on December 31, 2016. India has the second-largest number of internet users in the world after China, and according to the telecom ministry, 730 million Internet users are anticipated in the country by 2020.
On 27th October 2018, an initiative undertaken by the Government of India directed the country's Internet Service Providers to ban 827 porn sites as this was yet another attempt in recent times following a court verdict in August 2015 which mandated the block of explicit porn on the internet.
Tamil Nadu shares 2.41 percent in the country's total crime against women about girls of younger age being victims of sexual assault and abuse. As extensive viewing of pornography alters one's behaviour, habits, attitudes and aggression.
According to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), there are 391.50 million Internet subscribers in the country as on December 31, 2016. India has the second-largest number of internet users in the world after China, and according to the telecom ministry, 730 million Internet users are anticipated in the country by 2020.
On 27th October 2018, an initiative undertaken by the Government of India directed the country's Internet Service Providers to ban 827 porn sites as this was yet another attempt in recent times following a court verdict in August 2015 which mandated the block of explicit porn on the internet.