Donald Trump's Evil Plans On CoVID-19 Vaccine

Update: 2020-03-16 11:09 GMT
While many nations across the world are fighting hard to combat the novel coronavirus originated from the Wuhan province of China, the latest news emerged that the US has employed a leading drug company in Germany to find the vaccine for the COVID-19.

If the latest reports are to be believed, Germany's CureVac has received huge amounts of money from the US to develop a cure for the deadly virus and the company will develop vaccine only for the US and if any other countries want the vaccine they have to pay a hefty amount to Donald Trump to get the drug.

Going by the news printed in a leading Germany daily, US President Donald Trump is not leaving any stone unturned to secure a vaccine against the coronavirus for the US, "but for the US only".

These latest developments have created a sensation on how come a nation can develop a vaccine for the global disaster only for its people and sell the same vaccine and make a profit out of it in return.

Talking about the same, German health minister Jens Spahn said that the drug company of their nation will develop a vaccine "for the whole world", “not for individual countries".

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