First flop of Aadhar Card!!

Update: 2014-02-28 05:30 GMT
First flop of Aadhar Card!!
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Aadhar Card is considered to be like a green card in India. Indian government planned to make all transactions to the people in the country thorough Aadhar Card. As per the plan, government of India linked few facilities with Aadhar Card.

In the recent times, Gas Cylinders too were linked with Aadhar Card. As per this rule, government will reimburse the extra money back to the customer’s account. In few cases, the extra money was not credited to the customer’s account. Due to this, several people in the nation were feeling tough to enjoy the service.

Seeing the difficulties of the people, government decided to go to the previous plan. This clearly focuses the first flop of Aadhar Card. Looks like, the plan of Indian government to use Aadhar Card as the main token is now being lost.

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