A ghastly accident took place in America and it came to light lately. As per the reports Five Indian engineering students have been seriously injured in a car accident in US state of Texas.The accident was happened after their car collided head-on with a truck.The students who were in early twenties identified as Pranan Kannan; Akshay Jain; Chiranjibi Boere,Shachit Iyer, and Kishan Bajaj,
All of them studying at Texas A&M University and they were returning back after Thanksgiving break in New Orleans.Two of the students Jain and Bajaj are in critical condition at this point of time and helicopters took them to Memorial Hermann Hospital.As per the reports Indians are raising funds for their treatment and they are planning to bring ill-fated students parents to America.
All of them studying at Texas A&M University and they were returning back after Thanksgiving break in New Orleans.Two of the students Jain and Bajaj are in critical condition at this point of time and helicopters took them to Memorial Hermann Hospital.As per the reports Indians are raising funds for their treatment and they are planning to bring ill-fated students parents to America.