India Counter to Pakistan with Laser Technology

Update: 2014-11-27 03:46 GMT
India Counter to Pakistan with Laser Technology
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In recent times border violation increased from China and Pakistan. Many times the standoff with China continued for week's created tensions in both sides. Considering this BSF came up with new plan to stop such incursions. BSF chief Adam patak proposed army plan on stopping incursions to union government.

Patak requested Union government to approve the paln of putting laser fencing along  the border. He asserted the modern technology can prevent the incursions or illegal border crossings with little effort. According to him the effort of BSF can be reduced by increasing efficiency. As of now country boundaries separated by using line fencing. In Kashmir some ares are not covered by this line fencing due to challenges in hill areas. Now the proposed technology can easily cover giving strong security protection to the country. If any person trying to cross the boundary the technology will trigger alarm at operations centre by giving location details.

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