Its All Over- Britan Exits From Brexit

Update: 2020-01-30 07:50 GMT
Its All Over- Britan Exits From Brexit
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As a major setback to Britain, the Europen Parliament has voted in favour of the Brexit withdrawal agreement paving a way for the UK's evection from the Europen Union after 47 years.

The Brussels debating chamber has witnessed 621 votes in favour of this while 49 votes were voted against it.

Talking about this, Verhofstadt a veteran Belgian MEP said, 'It's sad to see a country leaving that twice liberated us, twice gave its blood to liberate Europe.'

'To our British friends and many – perhaps not all – but many of our British MEPs here in the room, I want to use the words of the famous British poet George Eliot. She said, ‘Only in the agony of parting do we look into the depth of love'. We will always love you and we will never be far,' Von der Leyen, London School of Economics graduate said.

Britan will be independent which has been in the EU for 50 years. This led to all the members of the council turning emotional and everyone shared their bonding in all these years.

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