Janasenani Pawan Worried About Chegondi Harirama's Health!

Update: 2023-01-02 09:10 GMT
Janasenani Pawan Worried About Chegondi Hariramas Health!
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The Union government's response to the Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) Reservation in Parliament on the Kapu reservation gave momentum to the old demand for reservation for the community again. A few members are demanding the state government implement the reservation for the community as the demand has been going on for a long time.

Joining the force, former Minister Chegondi Venkata Harirama Jogaiah sat for the protest which was spoiled by the cops. He was taken to the hospital facility by the cops and it is said that no one is allowed to meet the veteran politician in the facility.

Janasena chief Pawan Kalyan reacted to this and urged the Andhra Pradesh government to respond to this and take a call on the reservation at the earliest. The system should keep Hariarama's health in mind as he is now 85 years old.

Janasena chief Pawan Kalyan called the veteran leader and inquired about his health. It is also said that Pawan Kalyan also had a word with the doctors who are examining the ace leader and asked how he is doing now.

Following the same, the Janasena chief asked the Andhra Pradesh government to look into the matter as Chegondi Venkata Harirama Jogaiah is 85 years old and his health should also be respected.

The demand to give reservations for the Kapus is not a new one and it has a long history. Many leaders raised the demand and fought for it. Chegondi Harirama Jogaiah is one of the popular Kapu leaders who actively took part in the movement. He served as Cabinet Minister and Lok Sabha member too.

The former Minister started Kapu Samkshema Sena which fights for the community and its rights. A few days back he asked the state government to take a call on this before December 30 or else he will sit for the protest.

With no response coming from the Andhra Pradesh government, he sat for the protest. However, it was spoiled by the cops, and was taken to a medical facility. It is said that he is protesting in the hospital facility too. This made Pawan Kalyan worried about Chegondi Venkata Harirama Jogaiah's health.

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