Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao is on a mission to fulfill his vows made to Gods and Goddesses during the statement movement. After the Rs 5 crore offering to Tirumala Balaji, He landed in Mahabubnagar district on Friday to present Rs 60,000 worth Gold Moustache to Kuravi Veerabhadra Swamy.
Opposition Parties criticize KCR for misuse of Tax Payer's money. They question why the public have to bear the burden to fulfill personal's vows of TRS Supremo. Political Opponents say no one would have objected had if KCR made these offerings with his hard-earned money.
Neverthless, KCR isn't someone who would bother about the criticism and he would continue to do what his heart says. He tries to send a message that offerings have been made on behalf of Telangana Government to express gratitude for fulfilling statehood dream.
Opposition Parties criticize KCR for misuse of Tax Payer's money. They question why the public have to bear the burden to fulfill personal's vows of TRS Supremo. Political Opponents say no one would have objected had if KCR made these offerings with his hard-earned money.
Neverthless, KCR isn't someone who would bother about the criticism and he would continue to do what his heart says. He tries to send a message that offerings have been made on behalf of Telangana Government to express gratitude for fulfilling statehood dream.