Man buys car paying in lorry load coins

Update: 2015-06-06 04:19 GMT
Man buys car paying in lorry load coins
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This would be definitely an embarrassing deal for the car dealer. As per reports a Chinese man bought $140,000 worth car almost entirely with coins. The man walked into a Shenyang dealership and used 660,000 yuan  in coins to buy his new vehicle.

It took a lorry load to carry 680,000 coins, including 660,000 coins worth 1 yuan (0.1p), at the car dealer in Liaoning province, East China. The man, who works at a gas station, says he collected the coins from buses that stopped to refuel and decided to save them up for a new car.

The coins weighed four tons overall and were over 12 feet tall when piled up.It consumed 10 man hours to just  empty the 1,320 bundles of coins from the truck.

One wonders how many piggy banks this crazy guy had to save all the money he had to pay to buy a car of his choice.

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