Pepper Spray act – Correct or Wrong??

Update: 2014-02-14 06:43 GMT
Pepper Spray act turned out to be the most interesting topic in India. Almost all the media started showing this aspect and the topic touched international level. “What Lagadapati did in Lok Sabha is correct or wrong?” turned out to be the debate point.

As per Seemandhra people opinion, Lagadapati showed their pain practically in Lok Sabha. They are saying that Congress gave statements about Telengana issue just to gain the edge in 2014 politics. They didn’t realize the drawbacks of this issue. They further stated that several people lost their lives fighting for Seemandhra. Lagadapati showed all the pain at one stretch in Lok Sabha.

Seemandhra people felt that Lagadapati showed the real pain in this situation to all the ministers. Few Seemandhra people showered huge money to the TV Channels just to give a ‘Thanks’ ad to Lagadapati.

On the other hand, Telengana leaders took this aspect seriously and stated this aspect to be the reason for the division. “Few other party members realized the real reason for Telengana people to ask for separate state with this aspect,” says KCR. Opposition parties took this aspect into their control by showering comments on Congress party.

No one was able to judge whether Lagadapati’s did a right act or not. As per Seemandhra people’s version, Lagadapati showed their pain in practical version. As per Telengana leader’s view, Lagadapati destroyed the fame of the state.

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