Security For PM Modi Turns A Costly Affair

Update: 2020-02-02 07:21 GMT
Are you aware of the expenditure for the security cover provided for Prime Minister Narendra Modi? Its not less than Rs 600 crore per year if the allocation made in Union Budget 2020 is any indication.

2 years ago, Rs 420 crore were spent for PM Modi's Special Protection Group (SPG) Cover. Last year, An increased allocation of Rs 120 crore was made in the budget to take the total to Rs 540 crore. This year, Rs 60 crore has been added to make it Rs 600 crore.

Post the assassination of Indira Gandhi on October 31st, 1984, Government realized the necessity for an exclusive protection force to guard the Prime Minister. Names of Sonia Gandhi & her Children (Rahul, Priyanka) were included in the VVIP Security List after the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi. SPG Cover provided for Gandhi Family for a period of 28 years was withdrawn by the NDA Government in November 2019. Instead, They were provided with Z-Plus Security Cover.

Central Government makes excuses for failing to provide funds as low as Rs 100 crore to the backward regions but it have the luxury of increasing the budget for PM's SPG Protection every year. That's the harsh reality people of this country has to accept!

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