Why Pawan Kept Avoiding Shivaji?

Update: 2018-03-02 11:56 GMT
Why Pawan Kept Avoiding Shivaji?
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Pawan Kalyan is trying his best for achieving Special Category Status. Though he is against dharnas and bandhs which cause problems for the people, Jana Sena Chief isn't in a mood to compromise on AP's rights. He is willing to work with all the parties for achieving the goal and that's how Joint Fact Finding Committee (JFC) was formed.

On the other hand, Hero Shivaji has been relentlessly fighting for Special Category Status in his own capacity. He even differed with BJP after the national party backtracked on Special Status.

For some reasons, Pawan Kalyan has been maintaining a safe distance from Shivaji though their goals are one and the same. He didn't invite his fellow Actor for JFC Meeting and condemned the attack of BJP Workers on Shivaji without mentioning his name.

Whereas, Shivaji kept saying Special Status will arrive if Pawan Kalyan launches movement. After attending a programme in Vijayawada, He opined, 'There will be no use of wasting time with committees. Pawan Kalyan who have immense following should lead the Special Status Movement from the front'.

How long can Pawan Kalyan remain as one-man-army in Jana Sena? Why don't he invite selfless leaders like Shivaji or at least work with them? This is what Telugu people feel at this point!

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